With Combo Bundles, you can associate up to 4 individual Bundles with a Primary Bundle so that customers can buy multiple types of Bundles with one simple transaction.
1) Log into your business portal on loylap.com
2) Click on 'Inventory' on the side menu and then click on 'Bundles'
3) You'll need to have at least 1 bundle already active for you to be able to create a combo bundle. You can read about making a bundle from scratch here. In this example, there are two Bundles created on the account.
4) You can make a Combo using one of these existing bundles or create a new Bundle. For this example we will be using an existing Bundle. Click into the Bundle you want to act as the Primary Bundle:
5) This will show you the details for the active Bundle. You'll want to scroll down until you see the Highlighted option below, for Associated Bundles:
Click on the drop down arrow and you'll be able to associate another of your active Bundles to create a combo.
Clicking on this will associate the bundle and show as selected below the drop down option. Once done click on Update in the bottom right.
Note - If a Bundle is created solely to be a part of a Combo Bundle, and you don't wish to sell the individual Bunlde, you can hide the Bundle from being purchased individually by clicking 'Hide from customer app'
6) The Updated Bundle will now appear on the home page of your business within the Customer App or on the member.loylap.com page. Combo Bundles will explain to customers on the main page what they get for purchasing the Bundle.
Should you have any further questions or require additional support, please contact us via email at support@loylap.com