Creating a Category on your Experiences store

Categories allow you to separate your different experiences out, allowing for a smoother ordering process for your customers.

1) Log into your business portal over on

Dashboard Homepage


2)  Click on the 'Create' option on the top right of the home page.
Home Page Create


Create Categories


Once clicked you'll be prompted to put the details in for the new category. Firstly you'll need to assign the Category to a Branch. Select the Experiences Branch from the drop down.

Category branch


You'll then need to assign a name & Sort Order to the Category.

The name will allow you to manage your experiences. The sort order will control the order in which the categories appear on your Experiences Page, starting from 1.

Then ensure the category is made Available for Ordering & Always Available so the products you assign to the category are listed. Then just hit save.

Category Ordering

That should be your Category created.