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How to whitelist Merchant IP addresses where security measures are blocking authorised user
Due to new security measures put in we need to obtain important information from users so they can continue to operate
Due to recent security updates made in April 2024, some users accessing from Anonymous IP addresses will not be able to access our services from merchant.loylap.com or dashboard.loylap.comFirstly, ensure they are not operating from a VPN as this could have have an impact on attempting to access. This will be down to having certain countries blocked on our AWS firewall.
If this has been attempted then we will need to obtain the IP address the merchant / user is connecting from and we will need to get that whitelisted. A Google Search of What's My IP should return a result like below

Once obtained this will need to be sent through to Conor so this can be whitelisted. Once confirmed the merchant / user will be able to access our services.