Self Checkout Modes

Our Self Checkout App supports the following modes to be best support your business


1) Order & Collect

Best used if you desire the Clover device to be un-manned and allow for 100% self service by the customer. This will be the default mode of the app upon initial download. This will be the screen you will see after opening the app.

Click & Collect HomeOnce the customer chooses 'Lets Go' they will be taken to a screen similar to the below, depending on your categories & items available.

menu Home

The categories appear as a list on the left hand side with and the items within the selected category on the main display. This also supports any modifiers you have set up for your items as shown below.

Item with Modifiers

After the customer has finished choosing their items they can then review their Order to ensure everything is correct. If so they can then proceed to payment either via card or their LoyLap account.

review your order

completed purchase


2) 'Scan & Go'

Perfect for office canteens or a retail outlet. This mode turns the Clover device into an un-manned scanner allowing for the customer to scan items into a basket and then pay via their card or LoyLap account.

scan & go

scan & go checkout

3) Donations

The donations mode is perfect for a cashless donations solution. This will show set amounts on screen to be donated as well as a custom option allowing the customer to choose their donation amount. 


*Please notify us if you wish to use this mode and we can enable this for you*

If you have any other queries or require support, please contact us via