Viewing Transaction Reports on Pax A920 Pro

Utilising the steps in this article you will be able to view a Transactions Report on your Pax POS


1) Open up the Facilipay app on your POS.


2) From the home screen of the Facilipay app, tap on Reports

Pax Reports

3) This will load you in the the Reports app. You'll see a screen similar to the below:

This will give you a breakdown of the transactions you have completed within the given time frame. This will include your Gift Cards, Debit / Credit Card, Cash and any other tenders you accept. 


4) You can change the reporting time frame by tapping into the date field displayed above the report. 

Reports Date

This will then take you through to the date selector which will allow you to choose the dates you want to run the reports to and from. This is achieved by tapping on the dates in question

Date Selector-1

You can also filter down the time frame for the report by tapping on the Clock icon.

Reports Clock

This will then take you to the below screen that allows you to adjust the time, once you have the time set tap on OK.

Date Selector - Time-1


6) That will allow you to run a report to any time that you desire. Once you have your report you can also print this report, should you wish to. Just tap on print in the top right corner of the screen.

Print Reports


Should you have any further questions or requires additional support, please contact us via email on